Friday, October 10, 2008

Day 4

Ugh, I skipped stretching today! Mannnn. You never would’ve imagined how tired it is, waking up as you usually would and willing yourself to spend 15 minutes lesser in the shower just to complete your stretch. And when you get home all shagged from work, how do you tell yourself to put your legs in the air and cycle like an idiot?

Okay, bad day.

Day 1 to 3 has been good, really. Stretched day and night. I actually do feel better at work and I can feel my posture getting better. I don’t feel the need to arch my spine a little and it’s actually starting to feel natural to stand straight. (Disclaimer: I do not have a crooked spine but I do slouch a lot to release the tension on my shoulder muscles. They say it’s TMJ or something like that)

Exercising actually helps your posture. I have been doing Muay Thai for 2 years now and I’ve realized that I don’t usually stretch after practice. So after training today, I made sure I stretched every part of my body. Feels good really.

Now I’ve gotta go do Stage One. –grits teeth

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