Friday, October 10, 2008

Day 11

I haven't been able to update for the last week. Here's a little recap for my absence.

I began doing sprints. 8 sets of 8-10sec sprints after a 20-30min jog. Sprints apparently increases your HGH more than jogging but I thought if I combined jogging with sprints, I could keep up with my diet and tone up at the same time.

I have also decided to extend my Stage One exercises for another two days as I haven’t been doing them consistently. It’s Day 11 and I can safely say, I have probably only done 5 days worth of stretching.

I skipped my morning stretch today, as usual (man, it’s just impossible). I did my stretches before bedtime, though only the first, second and last one in the guide. I have been thinking, do the other stretches really help? I mean, cycling in the air, what does it do? I don’t understand. If it helps in my flexibility or anything else, even if it does not concern spine lengthening, I gladly will do it. But I don’t see the pros in this, so I decided to skip it.

I am a little more adventurous today. I downloaded to free e-book provided by Grow Tall Forum (found a little link somewhere cos I didn’t complete 15 posts). I browsed through the first 5 exercises and thought, hey, they don’t look too bad. I attempted the Cobras. Those were easy but be careful not to strain your spine. 5 sets of the maximum amount of seconds should suffice. I did the leg stretch (can’t really remember the name offhand but I’ll check), the one where you part your legs as far apart as you can and try to touch both toes. It is hilariously how a picture can speak a thousand words and how some can so conveniently deceive. I really don’t think it is possible for your head to touch one of your knee caps when you’re in this position! I couldn’t and I’m pretty flexible. So yea, do not be deceived by the drawing.

Okay, I realized some of you might not know what I’m talking about. I do not think it is legal to post the pictures of the stretches here but if you want, you can leave your email address in the comments and I’ll send a copy to you.


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